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Install Vault

Install the Vault Helm chart

The recommended way to run Vault on Kubernetes is via the Helm chart.

Go to the helm values folder in /helm_charts/vault_chart

Add the HashiCorp Helm repository.

 helm repo add hashicorp

Update all the repositories to ensure helm is aware of the latest versions.

helm repo update

Search for all the Vault Helm chart versions and choose a version.

 helm search repo vault --versions

Install the version you chose of the Vault Helm chart in HA mode with integrated storage.

 helm install vault hashicorp/vault \
--set='server.ha.enabled=true' \
--set='server.ha.raft.enabled=true' \
-f vault_values.yaml \
--version 0.24.0 \
-n secrets --create-namespace

this the offical documentation on installing vault link

Installing the Vault Helm Chart on Kubernetes

To run Vault on Kubernetes, it is recommended to use the Helm chart provided by HashiCorp. The following steps outline the process of installing Vault on Kubernetes using the Helm chart:

Step 1: Add HashiCorp Helm Repository

Add the HashiCorp Helm repository to your local Helm installation by executing the following command:

helm repo add hashicorp

Step 2: Update Helm Repositories

Update all the repositories to ensure that Helm is aware of the latest available versions of the charts:

helm repo update

Step 3: Choose a Vault Helm Chart Version

Search for all available versions of the Vault Helm chart and choose the version that suits your requirements. Use the following command to search for available versions:

helm search repo vault --versions

Step 4: Install the Vault Helm Chart

Install the chosen version of the Vault Helm chart in High Availability (HA) mode with integrated storage. You can use the provided vault_values.yaml file located helm_chart/vault_chart to customize the chart's configuration. Execute the following command to install the Vault Helm chart:

helm install vault hashicorp/vault \
--set='server.ha.enabled=true' \
--set='server.ha.raft.enabled=true' \
-f vault_values.yaml \
--version 0.24.0 \
-n secrets --create-namespace

Additional Resources

For more detailed instructions and information on installing Vault on Kubernetes, you can refer to the official documentation: Kubernetes-Google Cloud GKE Tutorial.

By following these steps, you will be able to successfully install and configure Vault on your Kubernetes cluster using the Helm chart.